Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
‘import daemon’ gets a totally different API for a different purpose, that of turning the current running program into a daemon, which AFAICT only makes a whole lot of sense on Unix and is what I'm proposing in this PEP.
I think that's an implementation detail. Unix daemons and Windows services seem more similar than different. The details about how they are established/started are different, but that's what a good API covers over. That would be worth designing. There are a number of Unix-only modules for this purpose already, aren't there? I see at least three of them on PyPI, including yours, Ben. What's the point of a new one? And what's the point of adding a new Unix-only module to the stdlib? Aren't we trying to remove platform-only modules? Didn't we remove the Mac modules in 3.x? And isn't win32all a separate distribution? Bill