On 08/07/2010 02:12 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
I've been doing some more hacking, and I now have a working implementation of cofunctions, which I'll upload somewhere soon.
I have also translated my yield-from examples to use cofunctions. In the course of doing this, the additional restrictions that cofunctions impose have already proved their worth -- I forgot a cocall, and it clearly told me so and pointed out exactly where it had to go!
Would it be even remotely possible... ... to write a co-function program in a way where it could be switched from cooperative multitasking to preemptive multitasking by the use of a single flag? (I'd be +10,000 for this.) If so, it would enable a way to hide a lot of details of multi-tasking and multi-processing in a convenient to use api. No I haven't thought it though all that far. But it seems to me it might be able to work if generators could work in a suspend before yield, instead of a suspend after yield mode. Ideally pie in the sky, Ron Hey, this is the idea list after all. ;-)