Laurent Lyaudet writes:
This is a very simple feature request that does not break anything but I don't know if you may find it interesting. It would be nice to have a function or method of list objects that does this : - First idea : def enumerate_with_rest(my_list): for i, item in enumerate(my_list): yield i, item, my_list[:i] + my_list[i + 1:]
First, the name confused me, at least: in many contexts dealing with iteration, "rest" means tail. Second, what's wrong with: for i, item in enumerate(my_list): rest = my_list[:i] + my_list[i + 1:] # do stuff with i, item, rest compared to for i, item, rest in enumerate_with_rest(my_list): # do stuff with i, item, rest You save one line, but you (and everyone who reads your code) needs to learn a new function definition, and you need to remember it on every invocation. On the other hand, "explicit is better than implicit" (which goes back to my confusion of "rest" with "tail"). Unless you can show both a substantial speedup with a native C implementation (which leaves out any Python implementation in a different language) and a need for that speed, I'm -1 on defining this at all. It's not one of those cases where defining even a one-line function is easy to get semantically wrong.