On 07.01.2015 21:55, Skip Montanaro wrote:
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 2:45 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
... and then you've changed the technology, lost the dynamic features of wikis, the permission controls, full text search, but have not solved the real issues, only created more work that's not relevant to the content.
I'm not sure what the disagreement is here. I wasn't advocating moving away from wiki technology generally, just observing that the current tool (MoinMoin) has different markup syntax and version control than people appear to like (Markdown and GitHub). I imagine you could find a wiki system which uses those two frontend and backend technologies. I was only pointing out that converting from one to the other shouldn't be terribly onerous, as long as you could iterate over the versions and parse the existing syntax into the new form.
Ah, sorry. I was obviously misunderstanding your emails :-) Moin does support ReST out of the box and there's also an addon parser for Markdown, we could install, if it's stable enough.
In any event, I agree that the content and structure is more important than the implementation technology. If you can't solve those problems, changing technology winds up being just a bunch of useless effort.
Yep. -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jan 07 2015)
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