On 6/9/2020 9:21 PM, Jonathan Goble wrote:
On Tue, Jun 9, 2020, 8:47 PM Edwin Zimmerman <edwin@211mainstreet.net <mailto:edwin@211mainstreet.net>> wrote:
Wouldn't this break backwards compatibility with everything the whole way back to 3.0? I fear a future with where I have to run a 2to3 type tool on third-party dependencies just to get them to work with my 3.7 code base.
My interpretation was that this would be syntactic sugar, not a deprecation and replacement. In other words, the existing syntax would still be valid forever. Correct, what I was trying to say is code bases all over the world that run on previous versions will start seeing this when they import a third party dependency that uses this "syntatic sugar":
print "This doesn't work before 3.10" SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("This doesn't work before 3.10")?