Hello, On Sun, 28 Jun 2015 18:14:20 -0400 Yury Selivanov <yselivanov.ml@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2015-06-28 11:52 AM, Paul Sokolovsky wrote:
There is also the problem that one cannot easily feed a queue,
asynchronous generator, or any asynchronous iterator to a simple synchronous consumer like sum() or list() or "".join(). It would be nice if there was a way to wrap them to asynchronous ones when needed – something like (async sum)(asynchronously_produced_numbers()). All that is easily achievable with classical Python coroutines, not with asyncio garden variety of coroutines, which lately were casted into a language level with async/await disablers:
def coro1(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3
def coro2(): yield from coro1() yield 4 yield 5
You have easily achieved combining two generators with 'yield from' and feeding that to 'sum' builtin.
Right, the point here was that PEP492, banning usage of "yield" in coroutines, doesn't help with such simple and basic usage of them. And then I again can say what I said during initial discussion of PEP492: I have dual feeling about it: promise of making coroutines easier and more user friendly is worth all support, but step of limiting basic language usage in them doesn't seem good. What me and other people can do then is just trust that you guys know what you do and PEP492 will be just first step. But bottom line is that I personally don't find async/await worthy to use for now - it's better to stick to old good yield from, until the promise of truly better coroutines is delivered.
There is no way to combine synchronous loops with asynchronous coroutines; by definition, the entire process will block while you are iterating trough them.
Indeed, to solve this issue, it requires to use "inversion of inversion of control" pattern. Typical real-world example is that someone has got their (unwise) main loop and wants us to do callback mess programming with it, but we don't want them to call us, we want to call them, at controlled intervals, to do controlled amount of work. The solution would be to pass a callback which looks like a normal function, but which is actually a coroutine. Then foreign main loop, calling it, would suspend it and pass control to "us", and us can let another iteration of foreign main loop by resuming that coroutine. The essence of this approach lies in having a coroutine "look like" a usual function, or more exactly, in being able to resume a coroutine from a context of normal function. And that's explicitly not what Python coroutines are - they require lexical marking of each site where coroutine suspension may happen (for good reasons which were described here on the list many times). During previous phase of discussion, I gave classification of different types of coroutines to graps/structure all this stuff better: http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-dev/136046/ -- Best regards, Paul mailto:pmiscml@gmail.com