On 06/26/2013 12:48 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
Ron Adam wrote:
And I don't like the '=' with nothing on the right.
Expanding on the suggestion someone made of having a single marker of some kind in the argument list, I came up with this:
def __init__(self, text, font = system_font, style = 'plain'): default_size = calc_button_size(text, font, style) Widget.__init__(self, size = default_size, pass font, style)
I don't care for it. A word doesn't stand out like a character does, plus this usage of pass is completely different from its normal usage. We're already used to interpreting '*' as a coin with two sides, let's stick with it: def apply_map(map, target, *, frobble): # '*' means frobble is keyword only ... and later: frobble = some_funny_stuff_here() . . . apply_map(map=kansas, target=toto, *, frobble) # '*' means frobble maps to keyword frobble -- ~Ethan~