July 25, 2009
2:09 a.m.
"Nick" == Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> writes: Nick> Greg Ewing wrote: Andy Kish wrote:
It's really annoying to having appropriate identity element for union built in while missing the *correct* identity element for intersection.
What would
for x in set.universal(): ...
Nick> Raise an exception, just like a signalling NaN in decimal. Agreed. The code I stuck on PyPI today raises InfiniteSetError on __len__ and __iter__. Nick> An expanded set concept with support for complementary set Nick> definitions is definitely something that should cook on PyPI for a Nick> while though. Just to repeat the URL: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/compset/0.1 It's had exactly zero downloads :-) Terry