On what basis do you ascertain whether "==" would work correctly?
Please explain.
On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 6:52 AM Nick Parlante <nick@cs.stanford.edu> wrote:
> I claimed that uses of "is" where it is needed for correctness
> are quite rare. Let me back that up with a little data here.
> Just as a random supply of Python code, let's look at
> the first four Python modules where the name starts
> with a letter from the Python standard modules list
> https://docs.python.org/3/py-modindex.html :
> abc.py aifc.py argparse.py ast.py (The array module appears to be in C)
> Strip out PyDoc and string literals and just grep
> for " is " (code included below if you'd like to try
> it yourself). Look at those lines - how many of those
> uses of "is" are needed for correctness, where the "is"
> is really doing something, and how many would work
> fine with ==? The resulting lines of code are included below.
> There's about 90 uses of is/is-not in this sample.
> 100% of these uses would work correctly using ==.
> Not a single one of these uses actually relies on the "is"
> computation for correctness.
On what basis do you ascertain whether "==" would work correctly?
Please explain.
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