In article <1185138682.715453.153390@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>, tomer filiba <tomerfiliba@gmail.com> wrote:
this is to inform the readers of this group: i created a mirror group of this mailing list on google-groups. unlike most mailing list mirrors out there, which only allow you to browse the archive, the google group also allows you to post to a specific message/thread (so you don't have to start new topics when you only want to reply, but don't have the original message).
FYI, such a two-way mirror already exists, gmane.comp.python.ideas, both through the web and as a usenet-style nntp news group. See <http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.ideas>. Many other python-related mailing lists are also available through gmane <http://dir.gmane.org/index.php?prefix=gmane.comp.python>. -- Ned Deily, nad@acm.org