Alright everyone. First of all, thanks for all your answers, I really appreciate the discussion we're having. Turns out i won't have so much free time tonight, and probably tomorrow night either, so i won't be able to answer the last few comments before some then. I apologise if i'm missing some of your answers, if you feel like i missed your post, feel free to reiterate your questions / remarks So, i wanna take that opportunity to step back just a moment, and "list out" everything i need to do in the next answer. 1) I've been requested to provide "real life" examples of code, I'll try to provide it 2) I think I failed at explaining my idea clearly enough, there are points that i wanna make more clear, and overall, I think it would be nice to provide a "round 2" of my idea, improved by all your remarks, and made more explicit where it was unclear. This is probably gonna be a very lenghty post, and i apologise for that in advance. I started a draft here if you are curious : https://github.com/malmiteria/super-alternative-to-super/blob/master/convers.... When ready, i'll copy paste it here, but i'll leave it up on that link. 3) I'm also thinking about adding personas to the mix, so we can discuss in more depths how this proposal would affect the overall community. (I think that's a valuable exercice to do at least once to check if a solution we would come up with would be a fit for everyone) so far, i can think of : - 'the scientist' : he doesn't care about the langage much, he just needs a tool for work, and it happens to be python - 'the web dev' : he doesn't necesserly know the langage in depths, do not need to implement the perfect solution, but is still fairly knowledgable - 'the lib maker' : he's very knowledgable, has to think of it's users as varying in knowledge and skill, can't let responsibility of his lib leap into the lib client hands - 'the tester' : wanna test everything - 'the refactorer' : hates all code smells If you think i'm missing important persona that would constitute a decent chunk of the python user community, please feel free to add them to the list. 4) I think it is sometimes unclear when i'm talking about how things are rn, how things should be, how i imagine things in my solution, and so on. I'll try to be expllicit about the full context of my statements in the future 5) I'll try to explicit the assumption i work under. Those are sometime hard to detect for me, I do not always realise what it is i consider obvious, when it might not be so obvious in fact. I'm sure i'll have more to explicit in the future. I think that's it. I'll also try to take some time to read the link you shared and i didn't know about, but i don't wanna leave you hanging for too long either, so I might read it this weekend. If you have any question about things that you want me to make more explicit, point that you think i might have forgotten, or anything you wanna make me aware of, please keep posting it here, i'll be reading it when i can get more free time.