On 27Jan2019 02:30, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 03:29:59PM +0100, Anders Hovmöller wrote:
I don't see anything here that can't be done by returning a dict, a namedtuple (possibly with optional fields), or some other object with named fields. They can be optional, they can have defaults, and you can extend the object by adding new fields without breaking backwards compatibility.
That assumes you knew before hand to do that. The question is about the normal situation when you didn't.
Exactly the same can be said about the given scenario with or without this hypthetical "kwargs for return".
Thomas talks about having to change a bunch of backends. Okay, but he still has to change them to use "kwargs for return" because they're not using them yet. So there is no difference here.
I don't think so. It looks to me like Thomas' idea is to offer a facility a little like **kw in function, but for assignment. So in his case, he wants to have one backend start returning a richer result _without_ bringing all the other backends up to that level. This is particularly salient when "the other backends" includes third party plugin facilities, where Thomas (or you or I) cannot update their source. So, he wants to converse of changing a function which previously was like: def f(a, b): into: def f(a, b, **kw): In Python you can freely do this without changing _any_ of the places calling your function. So, for assignment he's got: result = backend.foo() and he's like to go to something like: result, **kw = richer_backend.foo() while still letting the older less rich backends be used in the same assignment.
The point is, you can future-proof your API *right now*, today, without waiting for "kwargs for return" to be added to Python 3.8 or 3.9 or 5000. Return a dict or some object with named fields. [...]
Sure, but Thomas' scenario is where nonfutureproof API is already in the wild.
Also you totally disregarded the call site where there is no way to do a nice dict unpacking in python.
It wasn't clear to me that Thomas is talking about dict unpacking. It still isn't. He makes the analogy with passing keyword arguments to a function where they are collected in a **kwargs dict. That parameter isn't automatically unpacked, you get a dict.
Yeah, but with a function call, not only do you not need to unpack it at the function receiving end, you don't even need to _supply_ it at the calling end, and you can still use **kw at the function receiving end; it will simply be empty.
So I expect that "kwargs for return" should work the same way: it returns a dict. If you want to unpack it, you can unpack it yourself in anyway you see fit.
Yeah. Or even *a. Like this: Python 3.6.8 (default, Dec 30 2018, 12:58:01) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> def f(): return 3 ... >>> def f2(): return 3, 4 ... >>> *x = f() File "<stdin>", line 1 SyntaxError: starred assignment target must be in a list or tuple >>> a, *x = f() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable >>> a, *x = f2() Of course this can't work out of the box with current Python because argument unpacking expected the right hand side to be a single unpackable entity, and: a, *x = ... is just choosing to unpack only the first of the values, dropping the rest into x. Of course a **kw analogue is better because it lets one associate names with values. In terms of syntax, we can't go with: a, *x = ... because precedence lets us write "bare" tuples: a, *x = 1, 2, 3 so the right hand side isn't 3 distinct expressions, it is one tuple (yes, made of 3 expressions) and it is the left side choosing to unpack it directly. However, a, **kw = ... is an outright syntax error, leaving a convenient syntactic hole to provide Thomas' notion. In current syntax, the right hand side remains a single expression, and kw will always be an empty dict. The tricky bit isn't the left side, it is what to provide on the right. Idea: what if **kw mean to unpack RHS.__dict__ (for ordinary objects) i.e. to be filled in with the attributes of the RHS expression value. So, Thomas' old API: def foo(): return 3 and: a, **kw = foo() get a=3 and kw={}. But the richer API: class Richness(int): def __init__(self, value): super().__int__(value) self.x = 'x!' self.y = 4 def foo_rich(): return Richness(3) a, **kw = foo_rich() gets a=3 and kw={'x': 'x!', 'y': 4}. I've got mixed mfeelings about this, but it does supply the kind of mechanism he seems to be thinking about. Cheers, Cameron Simpson <cs@cskk.id.au>