Oct. 16, 2021
4:56 p.m.
POn Sat, Oct 16, 2021, 10:10 AM Erik Demaine
(*it1, *it2, *it3) # tuple with the concatenation of three iterables [*it1, *it2, *it3] # list with the concatenation of three iterables {*it1, *it2, *it3} # set with the union of three iterables {**dict1, **dict2, **dict3} # dict with the combination of three dicts
I'm +0 on the last three of these. But the first one is much more suggestive of a generator comprehension. I would want/expect it to be equivalent to itertools.chain(), not create a tuple. Moreover, it is an anti-pattern to create large and indefinite sized tuples, whereas such large collections as lists, sets, and dicts are common and useful.