On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 11:07 AM Joshua Marshall <j.marshall@arroyo.io> wrote:
Hello all,

I have a use case where I need to send a `dict` to a module as an argument.  Inside of this, it has a multi-level structure, but each field I need to set may only be set to a single value.  Fields must be valid, non-empty strings.  It looks a lot like the following in my code:

def my_func(val_1, val_2):
    return {
        "field_1": val_1,
        "next_depth": {
            "field_2": val_2

What I want to do is:
def my_func(val_1, val_2):
    return {
        "field_1": val_1 if val_1,
        "next_depth": {
            "field_2": val_2 if val_2
If val_2 here evaluates to falsey, will next_depth still be defined? From the code I would say that no. But your use case may require to not define the next_depth subdict without any values, as that may break the receiver expectations (think of JSON Schema). 

def my_func(val_1, val_2):
    return {
        if val_1 : "field_1": val_1,
        "next_depth": {
            if val_2: "field_2": val_2

Where each conditional in this context functions as:
if value:
    d["your_key"] = value
for each conditionally added and set key.

From the slack channel #learning_python, there are a number of more general points which need to be handled.  The more core syntax, which should be valid throughout the language, would be to have statements like `x = y if cond` and `x[y if cond]`.  The first of these intuitively reorganizes to `if cond: x = y`, but the second is not as clear, with a likely equivalent of `if cond: x[y] else raise Exception`.

Thanks to Tom Forbes and Jim Kelly for helping critique the idea thus far.

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