tl;dr *boo* *hiss* I can only imagine the new Python programmer's look of confusion, turning to disgust, turning to giving up. """ Whatever you do, don't write 'print space object', that's old Python 2. ... oh but, except waitasec, but if you're using Python 3.10 or greater then you can use the new print statement, but see you can't just write 'print', you have to pass it an object. But it's different than the print function, just trust me. they're different. ... Your program crashed? Oh see, you're using Python 3.8, and the new print statement was not in that version of Python. Didn't I mention Python three *TEN* ? ... No, no, not the same, they are two different things, called 'print'. ... Right, right, yeah I know the Python 2 code you read on the internet used a bare print statement. ... No, sorry, what you're referring to is the print *STATEMENT*. ... Here, read this article explaining the history of the print statement in Python. ... See, the print statement was reintroduced to help you, make sense? ... No, sorry, what you're referring to the print *FUNCTION*. ... Hey, uhh.. why are you logging off the online Python tutorial? Don't you want to learn Python? But it's a fun easy language to get you started in programming! """ Re-introducing the print statement is too much finicky history revolving around one function, erm sorry, statement. This is too much confusion for newbies. Experienced users will have a more communication overhead or ambiguity in clarifying precisely which 'print'. If it's for debugging then call it "debug" or something like that. -James T Moon