Dataclasses should provide a way to ignore a type hinted attributes, and not consider them as fields. For example, some attributes might be derived during `__post_init__` from the values of the fields or other variables. If one wants to still type hint these attributes, one has to awkward workarounds to avoid having dataclass interpret them as fields. (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76532816) I propose `NON_FIELDS` sentinel, analogous to `KW_ONLY`. (alternative name suggestions welcome). when writing a dataclass, all attributes after this sentinel are ignored and not considered fields. ``` @dataclass class Foo: field0: int field1: int _: KW_ONLY fieldN: int _: NON_FIELDS attr0: int # @dataclass will ignore this type hint. ``` Additionally one could consider adding an `attribute` typing construct, such that `attr0: attribute[int]` would mark it as a non-field attribute.