On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 6:24 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
On 11.05.2013 19:05, Christian Tismer wrote:
I think a simple stripping of white-space in
text = s""" leftmost column two-char indent """
would solve 95 % of common indentation and concatenation cases. <snipped>
This is not a good solution for long lines where you don't want to have embedded line endings. Taken from existing code:
_litmonth = ('(?P<litmonth>' 'jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|' 'mär|mae|mrz|mai|okt|dez|' 'fev|avr|juin|juil|aou|aoû|déc|' 'ene|abr|ago|dic|' 'out' ')[a-z,\.;]*')
or raise errors.DataError( 'Inconsistent revenue item currency: ' 'transaction=%r; transaction_position=%r' % (transaction, transaction_position))
Agreed. I use the implicit concatenation a lot for exception messages like the one above; we also tend to keep line length to 80 characters *and* use nice verbose exception messages. I could live with adding the extra '+' characters and parentheses, but I think it would be a net loss of readability. The _litmonth example looks like a candidate for re.VERBOSE and a triple-quoted string, though. Mark