On 2019-12-21 20:09, Soni L. wrote:
On 2019-12-21 4:58 p.m., Gregory Salvan wrote:
Years ago there was an interesting movement called anti-if campaign, now it's more promotional, but the concept of "anti if" may help you find ways to remove the cases where your suggest "and if" and "or if" can apply. This article is particularly well written: https://code.joejag.com/2016/anti-if-the-missing-patterns.html
If you have cases where you think "and if" and "or if" can be helpful, you probably underuse oop.
I would very much rather not be told that OOP is the be-all end-all of programming. Python is not an OOP language. If you want to breathe and preach OOP, you should quite frankly just use Java.
[snip] Nope. If you want to preach OPP, you should use Smalltalk.