On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Carl
cmjohnson.mailinglist@gmail.com> wrote:
> How would it work for bases beyond 10? OK, so base-16 has a well known
> encoding, but what about base-100? Base-16 is case insensitive, but
> would Base-37 be case insensitive?…
> ISTM that the common encodings of bin, oct, and hex are already
> covered by built-in functions and for bases beyond that, you have
> decide what system to use for encoding symbols that are out of range.
> Do people really need trinary through septary that often? Is there a
> single, best-practices way of doing base-1013? Feels like YAGNI to me,
> but I could be wrong.
> — Carl Johnson
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