"I don't think the ctypes wrapper in itself is very interesting." Well, we disagree on that! I think that automatic generation of a ctypes wrapper to connect Python to assembly is interesting and a huge timesaver. "I don't know where to find those blog entries." The blogs can be reached directly at: https://pysoniq.com/text_16.htm and there is a link "Blog" on the home page. That link should light up when you go to the link I've just provided. If you read the 3rd & 4th entries -- Assembly Optimizations in Complex Calculations — Part 1 of 2 and Assembly Optimizations in Complex Calculations — Part 2 of 2, those blog posts contain a step-by-step breakdown of translating Python source to assembly language. And the NASM source is linked there and is also available at the Resources link, so you can follow along between the Python source and the assembly listing. Your questions are helpful! Mark