On 7 September 2017 at 19:26, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com> wrote:
As part of the multi-core work I'm proposing the addition of the "interpreters" module to the stdlib. This will expose the existing subinterpreters C-API to Python code. I've purposefully kept the API simple. Please let me know what you think.
Looks good. I agree with the idea of keeping the interface simple in the first instance - we can easily add extra functionality later, but removing stuff (or worse still, finding that stuff we thought was OK but had missed corner cases of was broken) is much harder.
Run the provided Python code in the interpreter, in the current OS thread. Supported code: source text.
The only quibble I have is that I'd prefer it if we had a run(callable, *args, **kwargs) method. Either instead of, or as well as, the run(string) one here. Is there any reason why passing a callable and args is unsafe, and/or difficult? Naively, I'd assume that interp.call('f(a)') would be precisely as safe as interp.call(f, a) Am I missing something? Name visibility or scoping issues come to mind as possible complications I'm not seeing. At the least, if we don't want a callable-and-args form yet, a note in the PEP explaining why it's been omitted would be worthwhile. Paul