On Wed, 29 Nov 2017 18:14:36 +1000 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
As far as utility goes, I put it in a similar category to matrix multiplication: if you don't need it, you don't need it, but when you do need it, you need it a *lot*.
As someone who appreciates both the matrix multiplication operator and "async/await", I really don't think PEP 505-style operators (regardless of their spellings) fall into the same conceptual bucket. There's no risk of matrix multiplication operators bleeding into non-domain specific code, and the readers of domain specific code already know about the matrix multiplication operator and what it does (or they should anyway, since it's so damn useful). It's like "async/await": you won't find them in regular non-async code, so the mental burden only falls on specialists who write and read event-driven networking code (mostly, even though Guido would like to see parsers based on the idiom too :-)). Conversely, PEP 505-style operators may appear in everyday code regardless of their application domain or target. This in turn increases the mental burden for *everyone*. Regards Antoine.