On 24.01.2016 06:16, Guido van Rossum wrote:
I wonder if kids today aren't too much in love with local function definitions. :-) There's a reason why executor.submit() takes a function *and arguments*. If you move the function out of the for loop and pass the url as a parameter to submit(), problem solved, and you waste fewer resources on function objects and cells to hold nonlocals. A generation ago most people would have naturally used such a solution (since most languages didn't support the alternative :-).
Well said. I remember js be a hatchery of this kind of programming. My main concern always was "how can I test these inner functions?" Almost impossible but a good excuse not to. So, it's unprofessional from my point of view but things may change. On-topic: I like the way Python allows me to bind early. It's simple and that's the main argument for it and against introducing an yet-another syntax (like colons, brakes, etc.); especially for solving such a side issue. Best, Sven