Also, the command line interface definition (help on script abilities)On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:39 AM, anatoly techtonik <> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Ned Batchelder <> wrote:
>> On 9/28/13 12:44 AM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> This - - should be included with Python 3.4 distribution.
>> In addition to the other questions already asked, you haven't answered the
>> fundamental one: Why should docopt be included in the stdlib?
> Because it is the easiest and most intuitive way to quickly build
> command line parser with a less amount of writing. It also provides
> synced help, custom formatting, really short parser definition syntax
> and subcommands out of the box.
> But the main reason that it is a 'fastest way ever to expose script
> functions to command line user interface'. Writing it is as fast as
> 10x times on average compared to argparse, optparse and getopt
> interfaces. 50 minutes on argparse with debug and 5 on docopt. 5
> minutes regardless of your experience. For a newbie getting what
> argparse does may take more that 50 minutes on average, and it is
> still probably the same 5 minutes for docopt.
>> It's right
>> there in PyPI where any one can get it. Why is it better in the stdlib than
>> in PyPI?
> Because you need a Python on your machine. Language with batteries
> included. Not a C or Java where probably need to download libraries
> even to work with strings. Setting docopt on every machine where you
> need to quickly give some variations for execution flow to your
> one-time command line script is akin to launching the C compiler with
> appropriate include paths.
in docopt can be easily read by any human without the need to run the
script or decipher argparse/optparge function call parameters.
anatoly t.
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