On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 9:41 PM Christopher Barker <pythonchb@gmail.com> wrote:
Funny you should bring this up.

I've been meaning, for literally years, to propose not quite this, but adding a "slice iterator" to the sequence protocol.

(though note that one alternative is adding slice syntax to itertools.islice)

I even got  so far as to write a draft PEP and prototype.

NOTE: I'm not saying this is ready for a PEP, but it was helpful to use the format to collect my thoughts.

And the prototype implementation:

 I think this is a good idea. For sequences I'm not sure how big the benefit is - I get that it's more efficient, but I rarely care that much, because most lists are small. Why not extend the proposal to all iterators, or at least common ones like generators? That would allow avoiding itertools when I have no other choice.

You write "This PEP proposes that the sequence protocol be extended". What does that mean exactly? I assume you don't want to magically add an `islice` property to every class that has `__len__` and `__getitem__`. Will you just add it to `collections.abc.Sequence`, the builtins, and the stdlib?

Perhaps this could come with some new syntax? My first thought was `iterator(1:2)`, the idea being that changing the brackets would give it lazy iterator feel the same way that changing the brackets on a list comprehension turns it into a generator. But it probably looks too much like a function call. So maybe we can play with double brackets instead:

import itertools

for (l1, r1), (l2, r2) in itertools.product('() {} []'.split(), repeat=2):

