Mike Meyer wrote:
On Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:53:22 +0100 MRAB <python@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
Benjamin Peterson wrote:
Bernie Innocenti <bernie@...> writes:
If we could break the syntax of "print" statements, I'm sure we can also find a satisfactory compromise for CTRL-C handling that won't affect more than 0.1% of existing Python programs. It would actually be a huge compatibility break because finally statments would no longer be garunteed to execute.
Perhaps CTRL-C could be left as-is but also have a 'stronger' version like SHIFT-CTRL-C.
Possibly that will work on Windows. It won't work on Posix-compliant systems. The tty driver handles turning characters into signals to the controlling process, and does this in the kernel. To get a keystroke to generate some signal, you have to chose a signal the TTY driver can generate. Further, you need to use one that's not already used for other things.
Needing to emulate SIGINFO on a system that doesn't support it, I wind up choosing SIGQUIT, as we don't get much use from python core dumps from production, whereas everything else I can't see the users giving up readily.
How about 2 (or 3?) in rapid succession ("here's a CTRL-C, and here's another one to show I mean it!" :-)).