[Tim, on trying to match only the next instance of "spam"]
,,, It's actually far easier if assertions are used, and I'm too old to bother trying to repair the non-assertion mess:
Since then, Serhiy rehabilitated an old patch to add "atomic groups" and "possessive quantifiers" to CPython's `re`, and merged it today. So in 3.11, you'll be able to do the far easier: (?>.*?spam) instead. (?>,,,) delimits an "atomic group", and `...` can be any regexp. The group is non-capturing. `...` is matched in the normal way, but with a twist: _after_ it matches (if it ever does), it's done. The first match it finds is also the last match it will try. If, after succeeding, the overall match fails to the right of the atomic group, backing up into the group fails at once - no other alternatives for `...` are tried. So, in the example, .*?spam finds the closest (if any) following instance of "spam", and that's all. It won't ever go on to try to match a later instance of "spam". Which is probably what most people had in mind all along when they wrote plain .*?spam but were instead delighted by mysterious cases of exponential-time backtracking ;-) "Possessive quantif\iers" are syntactic sugar for particular simple instances of atomic groups. Where R is a regexp, R++ is short for (?>R+) R*+ is short for (?>R*) R{m,n}+ is short for (?>R{m,n}) R?+ is short for (?>R?) In all cases, they take the longest match possible for R starting right here, right now, without any consideration for whether that may or may not cause the rest of the pattern to fail, and then they hold on to that longest-possible match no matter what. No backtracking after the first success. You should feel free to use these in 3.11. There are few modern regexp engines that don't support them, and they were the most conspicuous of the "missing features" in Python's `re`.