Well, I share Rob's concern but I do see the point of this:
Template Literals only make sense if you want to escape values like in HTML, XML or SQL templates.
Maybe they should have a name to better reflect this intended use case? Safe Templates, Escaped Strings, I don't know, I'm terrible at naming things but I do think this would be a nice modification. Best, [image: --] *Felipe* Bidu *(Felipe Rodrigues)* [image: https://]*https://felipevr.com* <https://felipevr.com> On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 10:18 AM Thomas Güttler <info@thomas-guettler.de> wrote:
Am Do., 10. Juni 2021 um 14:42 Uhr schrieb Rob Cliffe via Python-ideas < python-ideas@python.org>:
I am concerned that we have too many string formatting methods: % formatting .format() f-strings string templates (are there others I've missed?). And now we have another proposed one. It's all getting a bit much. And IMO a turnoff for people learning Python (which one should I use, and why?). Best wishes Rob Cliffe
I can feel with you. There are some new things in Python which make it harder to learn. I personally don't see a need for the walrus operator.
But on the other hand you can't compare Template Literals with normal string handling.
This really helps developers to avoid cross-site-scripting attacks by enabling a secure escaping of all strings which are not explicitly marked as safe.
Template Literals only make sense if you want to escape values like in HTML, XML or SQL templates.
Regards, Thomas
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