On 8 Sep 2017, at 05:11, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
Numpy is the one I'm most familiar with: when we get subinterpreter bugs we close them wontfix, because supporting subinterpreters properly would require non-trivial auditing, add overhead for non-subinterpreter use cases, and benefit a tiny tiny fraction of our users.
The main problem of which I'm aware is C globals in libraries and extension modules. PEPs 489 and 3121 are meant to help but I know that there is at least one major situation which is still a blocker for multi-interpreter-safe module state. Other than C globals, is there some other issue?
There’s also the PyGilState_* API that doesn't support multiple interpreters. The issue there is that callbacks from external libraries back into python need to use the correct subinterpreter. Ronald