On Sun, Apr 10, 2022 at 11:50:40AM -0700, Brendan Barnwell wrote:
You seem to be envisioning a system in which multiple inheritance gives a subclass a "menu" of behaviors from which it may explicitly choose, but does not actually combine the superclasses' behaviors into a single, definite behavior of the subclass. In that scheme, order of multiple inheritance would not matter, because the superclasses don't need to be "integrated" into the subclass; they just sit there waiting for the subclass to explicitly decide which superclass it wants to delegate to.
Thanks Brendan, that has helped me understand where malmiteria is coming from. I think that your comments explains a lot of his ideas about MI.
Maybe that's how MI works in some other languages, but not Python. Everything about a class --- super, MRO, everything --- is impacted by its ENTIRE superclass hierarchy, including the order in which classes are inherited. When a subclass inherits from multiple superclasses, the superclass behaviors are *combined* into a *single* set of behaviors for the subclass. They're not "held separate" somehow as alternative inheritance hierarchies; they are joined into one.
Likewise, the order in which a class inherits multiple superclasses matters in Python. That's just how Python works, and there's no way that's going to change. I don't want to sound harsh, but if `class A(B, C)` doesn't "feel" different to you from `class(C, B)` then I think you need to adjust your feelings rather than expect Python to adjust its behavior.
And +1 to that too. -- Steve