Hi Yahya, I like the full.png diagram, however, I see some issues with it.
Most seriously, the methods it lists don't match the documentation.
E.g. if you check MappingView:
you see it has only a __len__ mixin method. The other methods in the diagram are implementation details and should be removed.
Some presentation points (all IMHO of course): * Get rid of the empty boxes. * Get rid of the trailing (). Since all methods have this, it adds no info. * There is no visual distinction between the abstract methods and the mixin methods. I'd suggest making the abstract methods italic or something like that.
Thank you for your observations Stephan. The reason behind that is that I genretated it from a copy of the source code, and I was sondering about getting rid of it or not... But I think you'r right: let's display only the documented part. About the displaying of the abstract method, sadly it seems that pyreverse doesn't support it... It didn't find a way to hide the paranetesis either. I could make those changes whth a graphic tool though. Same thing with the empty box. Whereas it's possible with plantuml. But may be I have to use a pure python tool. What's your opinions about that? Another thing: for exemple, in the case of Collection, it asks to implement the three method __iter__, __contains__ and __sized__, but since it inherit them from Iterable, Container and Sized, they're not shown. I think it's better to make them appear since: 1. you have to implement them to inherit from it; 2. the three methods are checked during the __subclasshook__ of this ABC to know if a class is a virtual subclass of it or not (when pass as a second argument of issubclass() for example). I don't think it's an error in UML to re-display them since they are abstracts (it would be if they were concretes because it would mean that they were been overriden).