On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 9:27 PM Ricky Teachey <ricky@teachey.org> wrote:On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 2:57 PM Brendan Barnwell <brenbarn@brenbarn.net> wrote:On 2020-09-16 21:52, Dennis Sweeney wrote:
> TL;DR: I propose the following behavior:
> >>> s = "She turned me into a newt."
> >>> f"She turned me into a {animal}." = s
> >>> animal
> 'newt'
>A difficulty I have with the idea as presented is this.If I can say this:"{x:d} {y:d} {z:d}" = "1 2 3"...thus assigning 1, 2, 3 to x, y, z respectively, I might want to also do the same thing this way:q = "{x:d} {y:d} {z:d}"q = "1 2 3"The intent being: save the f-string as a variable, and then use it to assign later. But that can obviously never work because q would just become the string "1 2 3" .The same problem exists for assignments to tuples, subscripts, attributes, even plain variables. I've often wanted to put an assignment target in a variable.