On 06.01.2015 07:26, Ben Finney wrote:
"M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@egenix.com> writes:
[editing the Python wiki] requiring asking for editing rights on the pydotorg-www mailing list. Which is a little annoying and some work for the admins, but has resulted in the amount of spam to go down to zero. We usually grant the editing requests within a day.
I quite understand the motivation for this.
It does need to be recognised that this will dramatically reduce the number of pople who will pass that hurdle to edit the wiki, and thus the wiki loses a lot of edits (both helpful and unhelpful) it might otherwise have.
We might lose some occasional quick typo fixes, but it seems that those genuinely interested in helping with the wiki don't have a problem asking on the list. To reduce the problem I had created a list of user names who had made good edits in the months before the change. The only nit I still have with the setup is that it's not necessarily apparent for new users how to get editing rights. There's a section on the front page, but you don't see this when looking at a random page.
Thanks to those doing the work to maintain Python community infrastructure.
-- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jan 06 2015)
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