

I’m mostly in favour of extending the comprehension syntax, but not at any cost. The `as` proposal is a big -1 from me. Right now, `as` is used for :


-    from foo import bar as baz

-    try: ... except Exception as e: ...


And maybe a few others I’ve probably forgotten. The general concept is name binding, so if I see something like


[x for x, y in some_iterable as y > 5]


I’m going be confused by what sort of name binding it does. A quick glance at the keywords list tells me that no currently-existing keyword is “the obvious choice” for this purpose. I don’t think such a small niche warrants a new keyword, either.


Python is mostly intuitive, and your proposition is anything but intuitive to me.


-1 from me for now, but might change if you come up with an intuitive syntax.



~If it doesn’t quack like a duck, add a quack() method~