Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
On 30 Jun 2008, at 02:41, Andre Roberge wrote:
lambda assignments ---------------------------
Once again, same choice.
lambda x -> x+1 is, I think, more readable than lambda x: x+1
(but perhaps the last two [dicts and lambda] largely depends on the font choice...)
You could even drop the 'lambda' and simply write:
x -> x+1
This would please those who advocate the removal of lambda from the language ;)
While I'd hate -> or <- being used in Python syntax (regardless where) (I think, := for assignment might be less evil). However, changing the topic, the idea of dropping lambda in some cases was already raised: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0312/ (still deferred). The implicit lambda is then more like a quote in Lisp, roughly: "things which aren't yet evaluated". I understood that the PEP312 was perceived as a partial case for the inline if-then-else and soon forgotten (when inline if made it into Python). Maybe its time to look at those lambdas again to see if there is some value in the lambdas without the word lambda? (N.B. The things has been already discussed couple of times and even backed by some Python developers: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054303.html and even some later discussions occured: http://osdir.com/ml/python.python-3000.devel/2006-05/msg00773.html The main idea of implicit lambda is to better support lazy evaluations. However, beyond obvious simple cases omitting lambda makes code less readable. Regards, Roman