Just an idea of usability fix for Python 3. hexdump module (function or bytes method is better) as simple, easy and intuitive way for dumping binary data when writing programs in Python. hexdump(bytes) - produce human readable dump of binary data, byte-by-byte representation, separated by space, 16-byte rows Rationale: 1. Debug. Generic binary data can't be output to console. A separate helper is needed to print, log or store its value in human readable format in database. This takes time. 2. Usability. binascii is ugly: name is not intuitive any more, there are a lot of functions, and it is not clear how it relates to unicode. 3. Serialization. It is convenient to have format that can be displayed in a text editor. Simple tools encourage people to use them. Practical example:
print(b) � � � �� �� � �� �� � � � � b '\xe6\xb0\x08\x04\xe7\x9e\x08\x04\xe7\xbc\x08\x04\xe7\xd5\x08\x04\xe7\xe4\x08\x04\xe6\xb0\x08\x04\xe7\xf0\x08\x04\xe7\xff\x08\x04\xe8\x0b\x08\x04\xe8\x1a\x08\x04\xe6\xb0\x08\x04\xe6\xb0\x08\x04' print(binascii.hexlify(data)) e6b00804e79e0804e7bc0804e7d50804e7e40804e6b00804e7f00804e7ff0804e80b0804e81a0804e6b00804e6b00804
data = hexdump(b) print(data) E6 B0 08 04 E7 9E 08 04 E7 BC 08 04 E7 D5 08 04 E7 E4 08 04 E6 B0 08 04 E7 F0 08 04 E7 FF 08 04 E8 0B 08 04 E8 1A 08 04 E6 B0 08 04 E6 B0 08 04
# achieving the same output with binascii is overcomplicated data_lines = [binascii.hexlify(b)[i:min(i+32, len(binascii.hexlify(b)))] for i in xrange(0, len(binascii.hexlify(b)), 32)] data_lines = [' '.join(l[i:min(i+2, len(l))] for i in xrange(0, len(l), 2)).upper() for l in data_lines] print('\n'.join(data_lines)) E6 B0 08 04 E7 9E 08 04 E7 BC 08 04 E7 D5 08 04 E7 E4 08 04 E6 B0 08 04 E7 F0 08 04 E7 FF 08 04 E8 0B 08 04 E8 1A 08 04 E6 B0 08 04 E6 B0 08 04
On the other side, getting rather useless binascii output from hexdump() is quite trivial:
data.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').lower() 'e6b00804e79e0804e7bc0804e7d50804e7e40804e6b00804e7f00804e7ff0804e80b0804e81a0804e6b00804e6b00804'
But more practical, for example, would be counting offset from hexdump:
print( ''.join( '%05x: %s\n' % (i*16,l) for i,l in enumerate(hexdump(b).split('\n'))))
Etc. Conclusion: By providing better building blocks on basic level Python will become a better tool for more useful tasks. References: [1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2340319/python-3-1-1-string-to-hex [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hex_dump -- anatoly t.