On 14 May 2019, at 03:33, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 12:22:05AM +0300, Serge Matveenko wrote:
As a regular library user, I see and expect no obvious difference between `os.symlink` and `shutil.symlink`.
You "see ... no obvious difference" between two functions that live in completely different modules?
This happens due to historical accidents all the time.
Isn't the fact that they live in *different modules* obvious enough?
No. See above.
If os.symlink was exactly the same as shutil.symlink, we would not need them both.
Sure we could. See above.
Do you also see and expect no obvious difference between list.remove and os.remove? If so, today is your opportunity to learn something and become a better programmer! *wink*
That's rude. That might work in person but I'd doubt it. Over email the "wink" doesn't change it enough. / Anders