This has come up before. It will be a special case of making "if" without "else" result in a special "empty" type that is not part of the iteration. As in `[1, (2 if False) ] == [1]`.

בתאריך יום א׳, 11 בספט' 2016, 13:29, מאת Bernardo Sulzbach ‏<>:
On 09/11/2016 06:36 AM, Dominik Gresch wrote:
> So I asked myself if a syntax as follows would be possible:
> for i in range(10) if i != 5:
>     body
> Personally, I find this extremely intuitive since this kind of
> if-statement is already present in list comprehensions.
> What is your opinion on this? Sorry if this has been discussed before --
> I didn't find anything in the archives.

I find it interesting.

I thing that this will likely take up too many columns in more
convoluted loops such as

     for element in collection if is_pretty_enough(element) and ...:

However, this "problem" is already faced by list comprehensions, so it
is not a strong argument against your idea.

I am still unsure about whether or not the pattern you describe is
frequent enough to justify special syntax. Not to mention that the
current way to do it is already **very** readable. Just notice how

     for e in l:
         if e != 2:


     for e in l if e != 2:

read essentially the same and take about the same number of keystrokes.
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