For similar reasons, I'd like an iInf too, FWIW. It's good for an overflow value, although it's hard to get there in Python ints (would 'NaNAwareInt(1)/0' be an exception or iInf?). Bonus points for anyone who knows the actual maximum size of Python ints :-).
However, the main use I'd have for iInf is simply as a starting value in a minimization loop. E.g.
minimum = NaNAwareInt('inf')for i in the_data:minimum = min(i, minimum)other_stuff(i, minimum, a, b, c)
I've written that code a fair number of times; usually I just pick a placeholder value that is "absurdly large relative to my domain", but a clean infinity would be slightly better. E.g. 'minimum = 10**100'.
be any operator: ●
if either a or b is iNan