On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 12:12:01AM +0100, Andrew Barnert wrote:
By "suitable" I mean "suitable for widespread-enough use that it should be in the stdlib". As I said earlier in the thread, I think it's perfectly reasonable to have a third-party library that uses a deprecated API, requires 10.8, requires a runloop, directly or indirectly asks the Finder to do the work for you, or doesn't quite meet Apple's HIG rules, because all of those could be acceptable in _many_ applications; I just don't think any of those should be in the stdlib, because none of those are acceptable in _most_ applications.
What's wrong with asking the Finder to move the file? Under what circumstances would that be unacceptable? Are there scenarios on OS X where the Finder isn't available but the trash is? http://www.anthonysmith.me.uk/2008/01/08/moving-files-to-trash-from-the-mac-... Having to call out to an external program via Applescript feels rather icky, but given the difficulty of simultaneously supporting multiple OS X versions, satisfying the rules of Apple Store, and using Apple's APIs, I don't see any alternative. -- Steve