1. Support conversion to/from all C integer types (char, short, int,
long, long long, intN_t, intptr_t, intmax_t, wchar_t, wint_t and
corresponding unsigned types),
I suggest support for the "new" C sized types available in <stdint.h>
Why anyone would want to use `long` that could be 32 or 64 bit depending on platform/compiler compiler, rather than `int32_t` or `int_64_t` is still confusing to me.
granted, I only write a small amount of C extension code, but I always used the sized types, as otherwise I have no idea what might happen on different platforms.
But in any case, thanks for doing this, it's a great idea.
-- Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)
Python Language Consulting
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- Scientific Software Development
- Desktop GUI and Web Development
- wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython