On 13 Dec 2022, at 01:47, Jérémie Bergeron <jeremiebergeronlol@outlook.com> wrote:
I think it would be usefull if the class tkinter.font.Font <https://docs.python.org/3/library/tkinter.font.html#module-tkinter.font> would contain the path to the font.
With it, we can use many software like fonttools <https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools> to obtain more information about the font, because the class Font is very limited.
You could think it would be useless, but it is a nice feature when you know a font name and need more information, but you doesnt know it's location on the drive.
That’s not really possible because tkinter.font.Font is a wrapper for the Tcl/Tk font command, and that doesn’t have an interface for querying the font path. See https://tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/font.htm for the Tcl/Tk documentation. Ronald — Twitter / micro.blog: @ronaldoussoren Blog: https://blog.ronaldoussoren.net/