+1, I would really like to try out type annotation support in Jython, given the potential for tying in with Java as a source of type annotations (basically the equivalent of stubs for free). I'm planning on sprinting on Jython 3 at PyCon, but let's face it, that's going to take a while to really finish.

re the two approaches, both are workable with Jython:

* lib2to3 is something we should support in Jython 2.7. There are a couple of data files that we don't support in the tests (too large of a method for Java bytecode in infinite_recursion.py, not terribly interesting), plus a few other tests that should work. Therefore lib2to3 should be in the next release (2.7.1).

* Jedi now works with the last commit to Jython 2.7 trunk, passing whatever it means to run random tests using its sith script against its source. (The sith test does not pass with either CPython or Jython's stdlib, starting with bad_coding.py.)

- Jim

On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 9:09 AM, Eric Fahlgren <ericfahlgren@gmail.com> wrote:
Pavol Lisy, Saturday, January 09, 2016 01:54:
> Could not something like this ->
>    def embezzle(self, account, funds=1000000, *fake_receipts):
>        # def embezzle(self, account: str, funds: int = 1000000, *fake_receipts: str) -> None:
>        """Embezzle funds from account using fake receipts."""
>        <code goes here>
> make
> 1. transition from python2 to python3 more simple?
> 2. python3 checkers more easily changeable to understand new python2 standard?
> 3. simpler impact to documentation (means also simpler knowledbase to be learn) about annotations?

+1 on this, which is close to what I've been doing for a while now.

4. Educates people who have only seen Py2 prototypes to recognize what the Py3 annotations look like.

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