On 2015-09-02 19:54, Chris Kaynor wrote:
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Terry Reedy <tjreedy@udel.edu> wrote:
Plus, it's not really any harder to find than a "Hidden" directory beginning with a dot
Quit the contrary. Files beginning with a '.' are not hidden on Windows Explorer (or Command Prompt dir, for that matter). I do not know of any way to enable showing hidden files with Explorer. (If you know of one, tell me.) The secret to getting to one is to click the directory sequence bar to the right of the last entry to get a directory path string, click again to unselect it, then add the name. In this particular case, enter 'AppData/Roaming' or '%APPDATA%'. It is intentionally difficult for user to access these files.
There is an option in the GUI for it: On Windows 7, from an explorer window: Tools->Folder Options->View Tab then in the Advanced Settings list: "Show hidden files, folders, and drives". On Windows 7, the menus are hidden by default, and you need to hold Alt for them to show up. I think Vista uses the same options, and the menus are shown by default, while XP uses a slightly different layout, but its in roughly the same location.
I do not know where it is on Windows 8 or 10, as I have never really used either of those.
On Windows 10 it's on the File menu: File->Change folder options and search options