Greg Ewing wrote:
I've just thought of another possible alternative name for yield-from:
y = gcall f(x)
However, you would lose the common mnemonic with yield for both turning the current function into a generator and indicating to the reader that the current frame may get suspended at a particular point. While using 'yield from' obscures the new 'generator calling' aspect of the new expression, it maintains the use of yield to indicate both "this is a generator" and "this frame may get suspended here for an arbitrarily long period of time". "'yield from' is like calling a generator" may be a slightly odd spelling of the concept, it is at least still memorable and fairly easy to learn - while you aren't likely to guess all the details of what it does a priori, you're unlikely to forget what it does after you have learnt it the first time. That strikes me as a much better option than asking everyone to learn new rules for what can turn a normal function into a generator. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Coghlan | ncoghlan@gmail.com | Brisbane, Australia ---------------------------------------------------------------