On 2/19/17, David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Joseph Hackman <josephhackman@gmail.com> wrote:
My honest preference would be that the [] is evaluated fresh each time the function is called. def stuff(arg=delayed f()): would result in f() being called every time stuff() is. This seems more valuable to me than just doing it once when the function is first called.
This doesn't make sense. Function definition time is very different than function execution time. Changing that distinction is a WAY bigger change than I think we should contemplate.
Moreover, there is a completely obvious way to spell the behavior you want:
def stuff():
arg = f()
# ... whatever ...
This is exactly the obvious way to spell "f() is called every time stuff() is".
A few more complicated will be set non default value to argument. But how to spell same behaviour in this case? -> def stuff(arg=delayed locals())