Hi everybody,

well during the discussion of the concurrency capabilities of Python, I found this article reading worthwhile: http://chriskiehl.com/article/parallelism-in-one-line/ His statement "Mmm.. Smell those Java roots." basically sums the whole topic up for me.

That is sequential code (almost plain English):

for image in images:

In order to have a start with parallelism and concurrency, we need to do the following:

pool = Pool()
pool.map(create_thumbnail, images)

Not bad (considering the other approaches), but why couldn't it not look just like the sequential one, maybe like this:

for image in images:
    fork create_thumbnail(image)

What I like about the Pool concept is that it frees me of thinking about the interprocess/-thread communication and processes/threads management (not sure how this works with coroutines, but the experts of you do know).

What I would like to be freed of as well is: pool management. It actually reminds me of languages without garbage-collection.
