Hi all! I haven't been able to keep up with all the tulip development on the mailing list (hopefully I will now!) so please excuse me if something I mention has already been discussed. For those who may not know it, libuv is the platform layer library for nodejs, which implements a uniform interface on top of epoll, kqueue, event ports and iocp. I wrote Python bindings [1] for it a while ago, and I was very excited to see Tulip, so I thought I'd give this a try. Here [2] is the source code, along with some notes I took during the implementation. I know that the idea is not to re-implement the PEP itself but for people to create different EventLoop implementations. On rose I bundled tulip just to make a single package I could play with easily, once tulip makes it to the stdlib only the EventLop will remain. Here are some thoughts (in no particular order): - add_connector / remove_connector seem to be related to Windows, but being exposed like that feels a bit like leaking an implementation detail. I guess there was no way around it. - libuv implements a type of handle (Poll) which provides level-triggered file descriptor polling which also works on Windows, while being highly performant. It uses something called AFD Polling apparently, which is only available on Windows >= Vista, and a select thread on XP. I'm no Windows expert, but thanks to this the API is consistent across all platforms, which is nice. mAybe it's worth investigating? [3] - The transport abstraction seems quite tight to socket objects. pyuv provides a TCP and UDP handles, which provide a completion-style API and use a better approach than Poll handles. They should give better performance since EINTR in handled internally and there are less roundtrips between Python-land and C-land. Was it ever considered to provide some sort of abstraction so that transports can be used on top of something other than regular sockets? For example I see no way to get the remote party from the transport, without checking the underlying socket. Thanks for reading this far and keep up the good work. Regards, [1]: https://github.com/saghul/pyuv [2]: https://github.com/saghul/rose [3]: https://github.com/joyent/libuv/blob/master/src/win/poll.c -- Saúl Ibarra Corretgé http://saghul.net/blog | http://about.me/saghul