On Fri, Jan 26, 2007, tomer filiba wrote:
Default Simplification ===================== All the built in types would grow a __simplify__ and __rebuild__ methods, which would follow these guidelines:
Primitive types (int, str, float, ...) are considered atomic.
Composite types (I think 'complex' is the only type), are broken down into their components. For the complex type, that would be a tuple of (real, imaginary).
Container types (tuples, lists, sets, dicts) represent themselves as tuples of items. For example, dicts would be simplified according to this pseudocode:
def PyDict_Simplifiy(PyObject * self): return PyDictType, tuple(self.items())
Built in types would be considered atomic. User-defined classes can be simplified into their metaclass, __bases__, and __dict__.
This seems to contradict the following:
For instance, file objects are atomic; one serializer may be able to handle them, by storing them as (filename, file-mode, file-position), while another may not be, so it would raise an exception.
Where do files fit into all this? -- Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/ "I disrespectfully agree." --SJM