What’s the worst that can happen?
The less centralized it is, the less bad things can happen.
True, but the risk can be minimised if only appropriate cases were streamlined. Only well researched, well defined, unambiguous problems, that depend on mature components of core python and are lacking in PyPI and stdlib.
Want to start things off?
I don’t think I am in position to create a repo for this group, even deciding on a repo name is beyond my competence level here. And in the end, it’s just an idea, I am honestly not sure if it’s a good one. If someone more competent created it, OP of this request wanted to work on his query, others were positive on this idea and took time to give their 2 cents, then, if needed, I could take a role of one of the admins. In this particular case, having a robust bijective or more general reversible dict implementation would have saved me a fair bit of time, so I do have a bias here and inclination to contribute if it had a potentiality to be fruitful. I would not take this particular problem on, but if OP took it, I would gladly give my 2 cents of code and if solid solution came out I would happily use it. DG